I’ll talk about a film that I saw a lot of times and everytime it makes me cry.
The main character of this film is Will Smith (as Ben)- I LOVE HIM!!!!! - , who in the film helps seven persons with her life. He does this because at the past, he had a terrible crash with the car (it’s his fault) where 7 persons died. For this reason, the objective of his life is compensate his fatal error. For example, he gives spinal cord, he gives a part of his liver … but he falls in love with one of the persons that he wants to help, and this is the principal consequence for the “bad” final of the film. (Well I put bad between commas, because on one hand is bad, but for the other is very good).
Well, if you want to know more of this film you have to see it!
So, I recomanded it to you, because it's very powerfull, I love it!
PD: I put a trailer of the film (in English of course!) under this postdate!